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Top 10 Dating Tips



BE Yourself


  • It may sound too simple to be a top tip, yet it is one of the most important strenghts you have. You are unique, no one is like you so the more you can be yourself, the more likely you will find someone who likes you for you.



Surprise your date


  • Pay attention to what your date is saying and do the unexpected. Surprising your date can mean bringing something, small but original (it doesn't have to be expensive at all, just as long as you put thought in it.


Be Unique


  • Before going on your date ask yourself: what is unique and original about me. How am I different from anyone else. Show originality through your outfit, or a little detail like accessories, or through the choice of your date location.


Listen and Ask ... Then Listen MORE and ask MORE


  • You are not on a date to perform a monologue. You are there to learn who your date is, likes, dislikes etc. But don't make it sound like an interview (no cue cards :). Just be really genuinely interested and did we say LISTEN? :).


Money isn't everthing! But guys paying for your date makes you a gentleman


  • If it's easy for you, definitely invite her and pay for it. If you prefer to be cautious about your spending, let your imagination make up for it. A basket in the park with some cheese and cold cuts, grapes and strawberries could make your date happier than an expensive restaurant. Especially if she is the right one for you.


Smile and be approachable


  • People in general love good positive energy. So if you had a bad day, put it aside and focus on learning about your date.


Be confident without being arrogant


  • If your date is the right one for you, being yourself will be "enough". However this does not mean that you can forget about basic human needs. People like a little chase. Don't agree with everything your date says just because. If you're a guy you can open the door for her but you don't have to kiss the ground she walks on. You are both lucky to get to spend the date with one another.


Don't take yourself too seriously, show a bit of humor


  • You can easily lighten up the conversation just by asking yourself the night before the date: Is there anything funny that happened in your life. Anything interesting or mind bending. If not in your life, maybe something you heard or read. Keep the conversation light and fun. No talk of your ex or disappointing experiences. This is a date not a therapy session :)


First impressions matter!


  • You never get a second chance to make a first impression. So this is not the time to show up like a train wreck. Little details matter. Before you leave home, look into the mirrow and ask: If I went to the most important meeting in my life right now, would my outfit and grooming match the occasion? If the answer is no, there is no problem a little shoe polish, a comb, a washing machine, a shower and a tootbrush can't solve...


Have fun! It's a numbers game ...


  • We don't mean game as in you have to be a player. But the formula is simple. The more people you meet the bigger the chance the the one for you is one of them. So don't put any pressure or expectations on your date. You are there to have fun and to learn something about your date. You are there to laugh, and talk and have a great time. You don't need to sign a marriage contract right there.