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10 steps to starting a business



Write a business plan


  • write down the goals and objectives for your new company started with a detailed outline of what you plan to accomplish



Obtain startup capital


  • Whether you use your own savings or obtain loans starting a business requires money and the process can take months to complete, so start early


Set up a legal business structure


  • setting your company as a corporation or LLC are popular legal structures for many businesses This protects owners' personal assets from business debts and liabilities


Obtain a federal employer identification number


  • Incorporated businesses that hire employees must have one of these. They are issued by the IRS.


Get your business license


  • Most state, county and local governments require businesses to obtain licenses before they begin to operate


Establish a web presence


  • having a website is essential in today's business world of Internet searches and social media
  • register a URL that is memorable and relevant to your company and your industry


Develop business collateral


  • businesses use customize letterheads, cards and forms with their company name, logo and website to establish credibility


Open a bank account and merchant account


  • to protect their corporate work or LLC veil , businesses must maintain separate business and personal accounts and records


Identify where to get help


  • know where and when to seek advice from other sources, such as attorneys and account to assist you with specific questions about your business,
  • establish a board of advisers or mentors to help you along the way


Follow government rules


  • operating a business means satisfying ongoing government and legal requirements to maintain the company's good standing
  • stay aware of the steps needed to maintain your company's status




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  • Use the latest technology to boost and streamlined your business plan
  • Learn the secrets of successful marketing and profitable partnerships
  • Discover digital and social media tools and how to benefit from them
  • Understand important tax requirements, employee policies, and legalities
  • Take advantage of the hundreds of resources included
  • Receive vital forms, worksheets, and checklists




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